
Custom Chain Setup

Configure custom Avalanche L1 chains in your application.

Custom Chain Setup

Learn how to configure custom Avalanche L1 chains in your BuilderKit application.

Chain Definition

Define your custom L1 chain using viem's defineChain:

import { defineChain } from "viem";
export const myL1 = defineChain({
    id: 173750,  // Your L1 chain ID
    name: 'My L1',  // Display name
    network: 'my-l1',  // Network identifier
    nativeCurrency: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: 'Token',
        symbol: 'TKN',
    rpcUrls: {
        default: {
            http: ['']
    blockExplorers: {
        default: { 
            name: 'Explorer', 
            url: '' 
    // Optional: Custom metadata
    iconUrl: "/chains/logo/my-l1.png",
    icm_registry: "0x..."  // ICM registry contract

Provider Configuration

Add your custom L1 chain to the Web3Provider:

import { Web3Provider } from '@avalabs/builderkit';
import { avalanche } from '@wagmi/core/chains';
import { myL1 } from './chains/definitions/my-l1';
function App() {
  return (
      chains={[avalanche, myL1]}
      <YourApp />

Required Properties

idnumberUnique L1 chain identifier
namestringHuman-readable chain name
networkstringNetwork identifier
nativeCurrencyobjectChain's native token details
rpcUrlsobjectRPC endpoint configuration
blockExplorersobjectBlock explorer URLs

Optional Properties

iconUrlstringChain logo URL
icm_registrystringICM registry contract address
testnetbooleanWhether the chain is a testnet

Example: Echo L1

Here's a complete example using the Echo L1:

import { defineChain } from "viem";
export const echo = defineChain({
    id: 173750,
    name: 'Echo L1',
    network: 'echo',
    nativeCurrency: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: 'Ech',
        symbol: 'ECH',
    rpcUrls: {
        default: {
            http: ['']
    blockExplorers: {
        default: { 
            name: 'Explorer', 
            url: '' 
    iconUrl: "/chains/logo/173750.png",
    icm_registry: "0xF86Cb19Ad8405AEFa7d09C778215D2Cb6eBfB228"

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