

The TeleporterMessenger contract is non-upgradable. However, there could still be new versions of TeleporterMessenger contracts needed to be deployed in the future.


The TeleporterMessenger contract is non-upgradable, once a version of the contract is deployed it cannot be changed. This is with the intention of preventing any changes to the deployed contract that could potentially introduce bugs or vulnerabilities.

However, there could still be new versions of TeleporterMessenger contracts needed to be deployed in the future. TeleporterRegistry provides applications that use a TeleporterMessenger instance a minimal step process to integrate with new versions of TeleporterMessenger.

The TeleporterRegistry maintains a mapping of TeleporterMessenger contract versions to their addresses. When a new TeleporterMessenger version is deployed, its address can be added to the TeleporterRegistry. The TeleporterRegistry can only be updated through an ICM off-chain message that meets the following requirements:

  • sourceChainAddress must match VALIDATORS_SOURCE_ADDRESS = address(0)
    • The zero address can only be set as the source chain address by an ICM off-chain message, and cannot be set by an on-chain ICM message.
  • sourceBlockchainID must match the blockchain ID that the registry is deployed on
  • destinationBlockchainID must match the blockchain ID that the registry is deployed on
  • destinationAddress must match the address of the registry

In the TeleporterRegistry contract, the latestVersion state variable returns the highest version number that has been registered in the registry. The getLatestTeleporter function returns the ITeleporterMessenger that is registered with the corresponding version.


  • TeleporterRegistry is deployed on each blockchain that needs to keep track of TeleporterMessenger contract versions.
  • The registry's contract address on each blockchain does not need to be the same, and does not require a Nick's method transaction for deployment.
  • Each registry's mapping of version to contract address is independent of registries on other blockchains, and chains can decide on their own registry mapping entries.
  • Each blockchain should only have one canonical TeleporterRegistry contract.
  • TeleporterRegistry contract can be initialized through a list of initial registry entries, which are TeleporterMessenger contract versions and their addresses.
  • The registry keeps track of a mapping of TeleporterMessenger contract versions to their addresses, and vice versa, a mapping of TeleporterMessenger contract addresses to their versions.
  • Version zero is an invalid version, and is used to indicate that a TeleporterMessenger contract has not been registered yet.
  • Once a version number is registered in the registry, it cannot be changed, but a previous registered protocol address can be added to the registry with a new version. This is especially important in the case of a rollback to a previous TeleporterMessenger version, in which case the previous TeleporterMessenger contract address would need to be registered with a new version to the registry.

Integrating TeleporterRegistryApp into a dApp

Upgrade UML diagram

TeleporterRegistryApp is an abstract contract that helps integrate the TeleporterRegistry into ICM contracts. To support upgradeable contracts, there is also a corresponding TeleporterRegistryAppUpgradeable contract that is upgrade compatible. By inheriting from TeleporterRegistryApp, dApps get:

  • Ability to send ICM messages through the latest version of the TeleporterMessenger contract registered in the Teleporter registry. (The dApp can also override this to use a specific version of the TeleporterMessenger contract.)
  • minTeleporterVersion management that allows the dApp to specify the minimum TeleporterMessenger version that can send messages to the dApp.
  • Access controlled utility to update the minTeleporterVersion
  • Access controlled utility to pause/unpause interaction with specific TeleporterMessenger addresses.

To integrate TeleporterRegistryApp with a dApp, pass in the Teleporter registry address inside the constructor. For upgradeable contracts TeleporterRegistryAppUpgradeable can be inherited, and the derived contract's initializer function should call either __TeleporterRegistryApp_init or __TeleporterRegistryApp_init_unchained An example dApp looks like:

// An example dApp that integrates with the Teleporter registry
// to send/receive ICM messages.
contract ExampleApp is
    // Constructor passes in the Teleporter registry address
    // to the TeleporterRegistryApp contract.
        address teleporterRegistryAddress,
        uint256 minTeleporterVersion
    ) TeleporterRegistryApp(teleporterRegistryAddress, minTeleporterVersion) {
        currentBlockchainID = IWarpMessenger(WARP_PRECOMPILE_ADDRESS)
    // Handles receiving ICM messages,
    // and also checks that the sender is a valid TeleporterMessenger contract.
    function _receiveTeleporterMessage(
        bytes32 sourceBlockchainID,
        address originSenderAddress,
        bytes memory message
    ) internal override {
        // implementation
    // Implements the access control checks for the dApp's interaction with TeleporterMessenger versions.
    function _checkTeleporterRegistryAppAccess() internal view virtual override {

Checking TeleporterRegistryApp access

To prevent anyone from calling the dApp's updateMinTeleporterVersion, which would disallow messages from old TeleporterMessenger versions from being received, this function should be safeguarded with access controls. All contracts deriving from TeleporterRegistryApp will need to implement TeleporterRegistryApp._checkTeleporterRegistryAppAccess. For example, TeleporterRegistryOwnableApp is an abstract contract that inherits TeleporterRegistryApp, and implements _checkTeleporterRegistryAppAccess to check whether the caller is the owner. There is also a corresponding TeleporterRegistryOwnableAppUpgradeable contract that is upgrade compatible.

    function _checkTeleporterRegistryAppAccess() internal view virtual override {

Another example would be a dApp that has different roles and priveleges. _checkTeleporterRegistryAppAccess can be implemented to check whether the caller is a specific role.

    function _checkTeleporterRegistryAppAccess() internal view virtual override {
            hasRole(TELEPORTER_REGISTRY_APP_ADMIN, _msgSender()),
            "TeleporterRegistryApp: caller does not have access"

Sending with specific TeleporterMessenger version

For sending messages with the Teleporter registry, dApps should use TeleporterRegistryApp._getTeleporterMessenger. This function by default extends TeleporterRegistry.getLatestTeleporter, using the latest version, and adds an extra check on whether the latest TeleporterMessenger address is paused. If the dApp wants to send a message through a specific TeleporterMessenger version, it can override _getTeleporterMessenger() to use the specific TeleporterMessenger version with TeleporterRegistry.getTeleporterFromVersion.

The TeleporterRegistryApp._sendTeleporterMessage function makes sending ICM messages easier. The function uses _getTeleporterMessenger to get the sending TeleporterMessenger version, pays for TeleporterMessenger fees from the dApp's balance, and sends the cross chain message.

Using latest version:

        ITeleporterMessenger teleporterMessenger = _getTeleporterMessenger();

Using specific version:

        // Override _getTeleporterMessenger to use specific version.
        function _getTeleporterMessenger() internal view override returns (ITeleporterMessenger) {
            ITeleporterMessenger teleporter = teleporterRegistry
                "TeleporterRegistryApp: Teleporter sending version paused"
            return teleporter;
        ITeleporterMessenger teleporterMessenger = _getTeleporterMessenger();

Receiving from specific TeleporterMessenger versions

TeleporterRegistryApp also provides an initial implementation of ITeleporterReceiver.receiveTeleporterMessage that ensures _msgSender is a TeleporterMessenger contract with a version greater than or equal to minTeleporterVersion. This supports the case where a dApp wants to use a new version of the TeleporterMessenger contract, but still wants to be able to receive messages from the old TeleporterMessenger contract.The dApp can override _receiveTeleporterMessage to implement its own logic for receiving messages from TeleporterMessenger contracts.

Managing a TeleporterRegistryApp dApp

dApps that implement TeleporterRegistryApp automatically use the latest TeleporterMessenger version registered with the TeleporterRegistry. Interaction with underlying TeleporterMessenger versions can be managed by setting the minimum TeleporterMessenger version, and pausing and unpausing specific versions.

The following sections include example cast send commands for issuing transactions that call contract functions. See the Foundry Book for details on how to issue transactions using common wallet options.

Managing the Minimum TeleporterMessenger version

The TeleporterRegistryApp contract constructor saves the Teleporter registry in a state variable used by the inheriting dApp contract, and initializes a minTeleporterVersion to the highest TeleporterMessenger version registered in TeleporterRegistry. minTeleporterVersion is used to allow dApp's to specify the TeleporterMessenger versions allowed to interact with it.

Updating minTeleporterVersion

The TeleporterRegistryApp.updateMinTeleporterVersion function updates the minTeleporterVersion used to check which TeleporterMessenger versions can be used for sending and receiving messages. Once the minTeleporterVersion is increased, any undelivered messages sent by other chains using older versions of TeleporterMessenger will never be able to be received. The updateMinTeleporterVersion function can only be called with a version greater than the current minTeleporterVersion and less than latestVersion in the Teleporter registry.

Example: Update the minimum TeleporterMessenger version to 2

cast send <DAPP_ADDRESS> "updateMinTeleporterVersion(uint256)" 2

Pausing TeleporterMessenger version interactions

dApps that inherit from TeleporterRegistryApp can pause TeleporterMessenger interactions by calling TeleporterRegistryApp.pauseTeleporterAddress. This function prevents the dApp contract from interacting with the paused TeleporterMessenger address when sending or receiving ICM messages.

pauseTeleporterAddress can only be called by addresses that passes the dApp's TeleporterRegistryApp._checkTeleporterRegistryAppAccess check.

The TeleporterMessenger address corresponding to a TeleporterMessenger version can be fetched from the registry with TeleporterRegistry.getAddressFromVersion

Example: Pause TeleporterMessenger version 3

versionThreeAddress=$(cast call <REGISTRY_ADDRESS> "getAddressFromVersion(uint256)(address)" 3)
cast send <DAPP_ADDRESS> "pauseTeleporterAddress(address)" $versionThreeAddress

Pause all TeleporterMessenger interactions

To pause all TeleporterMessenger interactions, TeleporterRegistryApp.pauseTeleporterAddress must be called for every TeleporterMessenger version from the minTeleporterVersion to the latest TeleporterMessenger version registered in TeleporterRegistry. Note that there may be gaps in TeleporterMessenger versions registered with TeleporterRegistry, but they will always be in increasing order. The latest TeleporterMessenger version can be obtained by inspecting the public variable TeleporterRegistry.latestVersion. The minTeleporterVersion can be obtained by calling TeleporterRegistryApp.getMinTeleporterVersion.

Example: Pause all registered TeleporterMessenger versions

# Fetch the minimum TeleporterMessenger version
minVersion=$(cast call <DAPP_ADDRESS> "getMinTeleporterVersion()(uint256)")
# Fetch the latest registered version
latestVersion=$(cast call <REGISTRY_ADDRESS> "latestVersion()(uint256)")
# Pause all registered versions
for ((version=minVersion; version<=latestVersion; version++))
 # Fetch the version address if it's registered
 versionAddress=$(cast call <REGISTRY_ADDRESS> "getAddressFromVersion(uint256)(address)" $version)
 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
   # If cast call is successful, proceed to cast send
   cast send <DAPP_ADDRESS> "pauseTeleporterAddress(address)" $versionAddress
   # If cast call fails, print an error message and skip to the next iteration
   echo "Version $version not registered. Skipping."

Unpausing TeleporterMessenger version interactions

As with pausing, dApps can unpause TeleporterMessenger interactions by calling TeleporterRegistryApp.unpauseTeleporterAddress. This unpause function allows receiving TeleporterMessenger message from the unpaused TeleporterMessenger address, and also enables the sending of messages through the unpaused TeleporterMessenger address in _getTeleporterMessenger(). Unpausing is also only allowed by addresses passing the dApp's _checkTeleporterRegistryAppAccess check.

Note that receiving TeleporterMessenger messages is still governed by the minTeleporterVersion check, so even if a TeleporterMessenger address is unpaused, the dApp will not receive messages from the unpaused TeleporterMessenger address if the TeleporterMessenger version is less than minTeleporterVersion.

Example: Unpause TeleporterMessenger version 3

versionThreeAddress=$(cast call <REGISTRY_ADDRESS> "getAddressFromVersion(uint256)(address)" 3)
cast send <DAPP_ADDRESS> "unpauseTeleporterAddress(address)" $versionThreeAddress

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